I found it very difficult finding an available url for this blog spot. Being late to the blogging world, all the truly good names have already been taken. After some trial and error, I did finally find a name for my url - knowlittle. For those of you interested, I will tell you of its origin. In the Trial and Death of Socrates, as told by Plato, Socrates tells a jury that the only thing that makes him wise among men is that he realized that he knows very little. In this one way he finds himself to be superior in wisdom than other men who claim to be wise. It is Socrates' view that man can know very little for certain. It is with this idea that I would like to base my blog. I wish at no time to suggest that my thoughts, as written on this site are true. They are only my opinions, as valid as anyone else's - presented only to stimulate dialog.